Writing has always been my thing, as my close friends know, so I am thrilled to finally become a professional author. I am in my mid-50s and published the first book in my Fantasy fiction book series entitled Donemere's Music in late 2016. The second book was published in August of 2017 and I am currently hard at work on the third book. The series chronicles the story of a modern woman named Donemere Saunders, who becomes a powerful witch in an ancient world, and the subsequent adventures of Donnie and her friends. The story is told with humor and reverence for my characters and for magic. There are some pretty cool magical spells included too.
I am what is termed an indie author, which means I self-publish. Currently, my navigation of the intricate network for attaining marketing success is still in its nascent period, or to put that more simply, I am a complete newbie at promoting myself. But I learn fast and, in today's world, digital and online technologies make reaching out to readers a whole lot easier than it's ever been before. Truthfully, I am excited to be able to provide an accessible platform on which I can connect with a wider audience for my books. So come on in, read some samplings of my stories, from published work to the not-yet-out-there stuff, and then tell me what you think. I look forward to connecting with you.
~Cheryl A. Gross~